We want to present our town MĂ–NCHENGLADBACH to the students. That's why we made a video which wasn't easy ;-(
The difficulty was that I (Fabio) had made the story board and then we had divided the work up to all the group members. Finally I got all the pieces of work and could edit our trailer.
In Talavera every team was going to present his work up to now and discuss it in small international groups. We understood that every group had to do with a totally different place. And we understood that our project was too big. Far too big.
The photo shows our first moment in Madrid where the Spanish team picked us up and showed us this beautiful town until the Polish and French team would arrive, too.
The following photo shows how we were working:
Here you can the all the students and all the teachers:
Of course, we did also tourism. For instance, we went to Toledo: