* [[start:1-France|France]] * [[start:2-Germany|Germany]] * [[start:3-Poland|Poland]] * [[start:4-Spain|Spain]] * [[start:5-working together|Together]] * [[start:6-multimedia glossaries|Glossaries]] * [[start:7-pictionary|Pictionary]] ====== Building a 3d Printer ====== [[start:4-spain|Back]] {{translate>Hello!||start:6-multimedia_glossaries:introducing:hello.mp3?50%}}, in this page we are going to introduce the building process of the 3D printer. One of the most important part of our project is building from scratch a 3D printer using [[wp>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arduino|Arduino Hardware controller]]. This 3D printer will help us to print the mock-ups previously designed with a 3D designing program like [[wp>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sketchup|Google Sketch-up ]] or [[wp>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blender_(software)|Blender]] or [[http://www.openscad.org/|Openscad]] Here you can follow the progress of how we are building the 3D Printer. We almost have the first axis built! {{translate>¡Adiós!||start:6-multimedia_glossaries:introducing:adios.mp3?50%}}